When your firebox panels are cracked or deteriorated you can lose the thermal protection these panels give your fireplace from overheating and becoming a fire hazard.
Sealing the crown of your chimney will prevent moisture intrusion and prevent any damage the moisture can cause to the brick and mortar stack.
Water Proofing will protect and extend the life of the building materials used in the building of
your chimney system.
Chimney caps are essential for helping prevent moisture from entering the flue system and
deterioration your protective inner flue lining. Caps can be made out of black steel, copper
or stainless steel.
Spark arrestors help prevents spark out of your fireplace system and from pests from
Top pans are an essential component that keep from allowing moisture into the top section of your framed in fireplace system.
They come in different colors, made of galvanized metal, stainless steel, copper, or
even powder coated.